09:00 – 18:00

Monday to Friday

Meranti Permai


09:00 – 18:00

Monday to Friday

Meranti Permai


+American Classic

Welcome to the +American  Classic style of kitchen. Composing is an art – and that also applies to interior design. With this in mind, Hosana Kitchen works together with renowned international designers to develop room design concepts for the style collection Classic, whose options go far beyond traditional kitchen design and offer broad latitude for interpretation. These concepts make it possible to play with styles and to use seemingly contradictory design elements to compose a harmonious whole, to the delight of all who seek to elegantly combine the old with the new. And to all those whose demanding sense of aesthetics does not fit into classic “compartments.” Get to know the world of +Ameriacn Classic, and discover the most beautiful furnishing style for the kitchen your own way.

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The Hosana Kitchen’s +American Classic collection offers options that go far beyond the usual in kitchen design with truly unlimited creative freedom – no matter your space or budget. This example illustrates how sophisticated ideas and design elements can be used to create a high-quality, impressive and individual space with just a few pieces.

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